Intercom Systems

Telephone Door Entry System
Use your Telephone for Entry Security - Create a communication link between your front door and every telephone in your house.
Sends a distinctive ring sound to each phone when the doorbell button is pressed. If the phone is in use it will give you a two tone beep. Then you press one button to speak to the front door, and other to open the door.
Unlock The Door in Seconds:
Speak to the person at the front door, and let them in by just pressing a button on your phone. The system will then unlock the door, so the guest can enter.
Easy to use- Tele-Entry System :
This system requires a connection to your existing phone lines, and to your door bell speaker. Then you simply use the phone to answer your door, and press a button to open the door
Protect homes, or business entry doors:
If you have an entrance that you would like to keep secure, and only allow people you know to enter. This is a cost effective, easy to use method.
Have a business, and would like to protect the back door:
This system will allow a visitor press the page button, you can then speak to them, and unlock the door from standard phone in the building. Great for use on shipping/receiving docks.
When your kids at home alone:
Don`t allow them to open the door to strangers Even young children can use the phone, this is an easy way for them to keep safe, and allow friends or family to visit.
• Use Existing Phone Wiring
• doorbell button Sends a Distinctive ring to phones alerting you that a visitor has arrived.
• Includes: Paging Circuit (Chassis + Power Supply included) .
• Includes Housing,
• Provides 2-way conversation between one intercom speaker and every telephone